Demonstration of Small Renewable Power Generation to the Army.

Aug 23-25, 2016:  The Tactical Edge Renewable Power 300W system performed exceptionally well at the Army’s Adaptive Red Team / Technical Support Operational Analysis (ART/TSOA) in Quantico, VA Aug 23-25, 2016.  Teamed with the solar panel manufacturer, Nishati, Inc., the TERP 300W powered multiple systems throughout the event.  The TERP 300W is designed to replace small fuel-fired generators and disconnected systems which use vehicle power in a parasitic fashion.  The system collects up to 500W of solar energy and stores energy on a 1470 W/hr internal battery.  The system delivers clean, stable silent AC and DC power up to 300W.  This is an ideal solution for systems with a nominal power draw of 75 Watts.

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