UEC Electronics Salutes the NATO Forces of Trident Juncture 2018

Trident Juncture 18 (TRJE18) is a NATO-led military exercise that was held in Norway Oct-Nov 2018 with 51,000 participants from NATO and partner countries Sweden and Finland. The main goal of TRJE18 is to train the NATO Response Force and to test the alliance’s defense capability. UEC Electronics’ Exclusive European Distributor, ZeroAlpha Solutions, participated in the exercise demonstrating the Ground Renewable Expeditionary Energy Network System (GREENS).

The GREENS delivers 1kW of clean, stable, silent power without fuel in austere environments. The GREENS couples solar collection with energy storage to deliver power 24-hours per day without the need for any fuel like traditional generators. To demonstrate the criticality of GREENS, our system was demonstrated powering the Kongsberg Defence Corporation’s Common Remotely Operated Weapon Station (CROWS). CROWS allows weapon operators to engage targets remotely, without leaving the protection of their armored vehicles / shelters


Company Background Information: Founded in 1995, UEC Electronics is subsidiary of Arotech’s (Nasdaq ARTX) Power Systems Division. Arotech Corporation is a defense and security products and services company, engaged in two business areas: interactive simulation for military, law enforcement and commercial markets; and power systems and batteries for the military, commercial and medical markets. Arotech operates through two major business divisions: Training and Simulation, and Power Systems. The Arotech Power Systems Division develops and provides sophisticated portable energy solutions designed to complex and demanding customer specifications. These solutions are used for diverse applications from vehicle power, clean energy power generation, power distribution and management, military field equipment to life-vest lights, satellite radios and unmanned vehicles. Arotech’s solutions are produced primarily for military, aerospace and industrial customers.

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